The Miracle Morning Routine- My Journey to Creating My own Timeless Beauty Life

Developing the Miracle Morning Routine is something I have been dabbling in on my own for awhile. I have always known the benefits of having a good morning routine, but I never really had a map to implement one that I could stick to.

I go through phases when I start a morning routine that includes exercising. In this midst of things, I know I FEEL better when I get up before everyone else and workout. But eventually life ALWAYS happens and I end up making excuses as to why I NEED to stay in bed that day

All it takes is that one day to throw my morning routine off balance and I fall off track. So it’s like a never ending cycle of starting and stopping my morning routine and I have never been able to really find a way to stick with whatever one I start.

Miracle Morning Routine

Until Now.

Things changed for me when I read the book, “The Miracle Morning, The Not-So-Obvious Secret Guaranteed to Transform Your Life (Before 8AM.”

As of writing this, I am off to a great start in creating my Miracle Morning Routine.

So I hope you’ll follow along with me as I create my own Miracle Morning Routine for the next 30 days. And maybe you will join my journey with a Miracle Morning Routine of your own!

I’ll be posting about mine over on my Instagram and on my Facebook Page. But I feel like that isn’t quite good enough. I need to hear about your Miracle Morning Routine too!

We can all learn from each other right? Follow along with my journey and tell me about yours over in my Facebook Group – where we all journey to creating our own Timeless Beauty Life.

Starting My Miracle Morning Routine

As I have progressed in my network marketing business, I have found dozens of people who inspire me both inside and outside of my company. I follow a number of successful network marketers on social media. And I study their behaviors and watch their content.

Many of the top network marketers that I have followed, stress the importance of starting a morning routine. Many have recommended one resource to create a Miracle Morning Routine.

What is the Miracle Morning?

The book, The Miracle Morning: The Not-So-Obvious Secret Guaranteed to Transform Your Life (Before 8AM), is supposed to be the best roadmap on the market to creating a morning routine. It was written by Hal Elrod after a series of devastating events in his life.

Elrod found out that the key to any battle was to start with his Life S.A.V.E.R.S. routine every morning before everyone else in his house was awake. Now he leads a movement of hundreds of thousands of people all doing the same thing.

Was the Miracle Morning Really for Me?

I heard about The Miracle Morning two years ago and kind of rolled my eyes thinking it wasn’t for me. I was climbing quickly in my network marketing company and didn’t feel like I needed anything else to help me be successful.

Besides – I’m too busy for ONE. MORE. THING. And I don’t have time to read a self-help book. I had a preconceived notion about the type of person who read books like this and it wasn’t me.

Who I was Before Starting My Miracle Morning Routine

Fast forward two years and I feel like all I do every day is try to keep my head above water. I feel like I am working nonstop all day long. I feel like I can’t stick with anything I start.

I keep a planner. I try to time-block my day and my week. But everything falls off the rails and I end up doing a million things every day trying to get ahead.

But it’s not focused. I don’t feel productive.

I’m smack dab in the middle of the COVID crisis of 2020, working from home. I have the time in my day to achieve the goals I want, but I don’t feel like I’m going ANYWHERE. There’s no strategy to my day. There’s no method to achieve what I want to achieve. There is no end goal.

I’ve gained five pounds and I hate that. I’m constantly feeling frustrated and angry and unfulfilled with what I have accomplished in a day.

So something had to give.

It was time to sit down and take a look at this book I have heard so much about.

Miracle Morning Quote

Starting the Miracle Morning Book

When I first started to read The Miracle Morning, I am not going to lie. I had some preconceived notions that were based on what others had said about their own transitions after reading the book.

Affirmations? Visualization? Meditation?

That just didn’t sound like me.

But when I started reading, I was captivated by how much I identified with the author! His story started with what most people would see as tragedy, just like mine!

He went on to create success in his business.

But then, he got to a point in his life that he wasn’t happy and felt unfulfilled – just like how I am feeling right now!

Here are just some of the ways I identified with the author:

  • He struggled to get out of bed in the morning
  • He struggled to stick with a routine
  • He didn’t like to run
  • He couldn’t get the motivation to exercise
  • He was struggling with focus
  • He didn’t feel like he had enough energy to get through the day
  • He felt stretched thin
  • He felt stressed
  • He felt like he was meant for me

Because I identified with him so much, I decided that I would read The Miracle Morning with an open mind and decide whether or not it would be something I could get behind.

The Journey to Creating My Own Miracle Morning

I decided I was going to give it a try. I had never done anything like this before so I started slow. In the book, Hal Elrod breaks down the Miracle morning routine into six segments.

The six segments are supposed to work together to allow you to create a miracle morning routine that will fuel you for productivity throughout the entire day.

Some of these made sense instantly, and some of the segments were challenging for me to accept. But I vowed to give my Miracle Morning routine a try for 30 days to see what it did for my well-being.

Fuel your Body

Before I even start my Miracle Morning Routine, I set myself up for success by giving my body the fuel it needs to reset my body’s natural balance. If you have never heard of Korean Red Ginseng, it’s something worth looking into.

Korean Red Ginseng is ancient herbal adaptogen rich in antioxidants that enhance your energy and support your immune system and memory function.I use it to give myself a wellness tune-up.

Our bodies can lose their balance over time. Using a liquid dietary supplement with Korean Red Ginseng helps reset my body body to its natural balance while enhancing its energy and immunity.

The one I use is a little pricer than most, but it’s because it uses ultra-premium ginseng grown for six years in the optimal climate and soil of Korea, allowing it to reach peak potency. It’s then treated to a repeated process of drying and steaming which makes the active ingredient, ginsenoside, easier for the body to absorb than regular ginseng, maximizing its benefits for unrivaled quality.

Morning Silence

I have done yoga before, so this one was not completely foreign to me. But it just felt so weird. We have a busy life and the hustle and bustle of running our family here there and everywhere keeps me from really focusing on me and my mental health.

So I started slow.

I planned just one minute of silence into my morning routine.

I used my Apple Watch breathe app to help slow my breathing and instantly felt calm.

My Miracle Morning


According to Jack Canfield, Daily affirmations are simple, positive statements declaring specific goals in their completed states. Although they sound rather basic at that level, these empowering mantras have profound effects on the conscious and unconscious mind.

The thought of affirmations felt really uncomfortable for me. I pictured myself chanting to no one. The idea felt really self-serving.

But Hal Elrod mentioned a lot of the same fears that held him back. But he did it anyway, so I vowed to give it a real shot for 30 days.

Here are my beginning affirmations:

  • I am focused
  • I am kind
  • I am healthy
  • I am organized
  • I am patient
  • I have self-control
  • I am strong

And I included some affirmations that that directly correlated with personal goals for my network marketing business.


Visualization was another thing that made me a little uneasy. I couldn’t picture myself sitting in a room doing nothing with my eyes closed. It felt awkward to me.

But then I thought of my high school and college softball days. I remember a coach once telling me to visualize myself hitting the ball with all the correct mechanics.

That advice completely changed my softball swing! I became a powerful hitter by just changing my mindset.

By changing my mindset, I actually changed my swing! I didn’t even know I was using visualization back then. But, that is exactly what it was. So I decided to implement it into my Miracle Morning Routine.

This time, instead of visualizing my softball swing, I visualize my perfect day. I walk through the day executing all of the goals that are on my goal list. I imagine myself making the right food choices to fuel my body and my energy.

After a week, visualization became one of my favorite parts of my miracle morning routine.


For me, adding exercise into my miracle morning routine wasn’t a HUGE lifestyle change. I already exercise in the “morning”.

See how I did that?


I say “Morning” that way because I have created a big problem with my exercise routine. It really happened gradually. But it happened all the same.

Before I started my Miracle Morning Routine, I had developed a bad habit where I would put my workout clothes on first and then start working on work tasks. I would check my Facebook and Instagram before I would be out of bed in the morning.

I would check on my network marketing business and my team. I would start working on work tasks.

Before I knew it, it was noon and I hadn’t exercised yet. This was holding me back because if I didn’t exercise, it meant I wasn’t ready for the day either. I was in workout clothes, hair pulled back and usually with leftover makeup smearing my face until noon (or even later).

That meant I wasn’t able to take social media pictures, record videos, meet with customers and clients or engage in online webinars until after I had exercised and showered.

If it was noon (or later) before I exercised, that meant 30 minutes on the treadmill and 45 minutes to get ready. Plus eat lunch. That usually put me at 2pm before I could do anything.

I pick my daughter up between 3 and 4 pm. So you can see this doesn’t leave a lot of time to plan visual content for my business. So implementing an exercise routine as part of my miracle morning routine was a must.

A lot of people will watch personal development videos or listen to podcasts while they exercise. But for me, there isn’t enough time in a day to binge watch shows I like. So this is my time to relax and watch some of my favorite shows. And this helps the time go by faster.


As a kid, I used to love to read! But when I became an adult with kids and a family, it feels like I never have the time. There are so many personal development books that people read and I have great intentions of reading them….”one day.”

I love that Hal Elrod includes Reading as part of his miracle morning routine. I read for 20 minutes. Imagine what you can get from reading personal development books every day for just 20 minutes.

Imagine what could change if you read for just 5 or 10 minutes a day! Where would you be in a year?

Here are a list of books I have read so far during my miracle morning routine:


The key to success is making a goal. The key to achieving your goals is planning. While Hal Elrod recommends journaling during your miracle morning, I have found that setting aside this time to planning goals has been beneficial for me.

When I am setting goals, I like to dream big, But I feel like the execution has always been a problem for me. So I use the “writing” portion of my Miracle Morning Routine to help me break down my goals. This gives me a plan of action that I can take and put on my planner.

It has been a way to make my days so much more productive.

Eventually, when I have broken down all of my goals, I may start to dedicate this time to writing my blog. This would make me more consistent in developing and posting content.

If you are in the stage of starting a blog, you may want to use your writing time in your miracle morning routine to work on your blog posts. Imagine where your blog would be a year from now if you dedicate 10 minutes to 20 minutes per day to just writing.

The Miracle Comes from MORE than the Morning

It has come from dedicating time to myself. It has come from dedicating time to self-improvement.

There is something to be said for dedicating a time when you first wake up in the morning. It’s quiet and if you take the steps to quiet your mind, it’s amazing what you can accomplish in an hour.

So far, I am overjoyed with the results in just two weeks of implementing My Miracle Morning. I can’t wait to see what the future holds. Where will I be in a month? Where will I be in a year?

What will my life look like in 5 years? All because I decided to create a Miracle in my life…in the morning.

Jennifer Francis is a Nationally Ranked Leader with Avon and the founder of Timeless Beauty Life – where she encourages people to create their own lifestyle that is timeless by creating memories that last a lifetime.

Jennifer is NUMBER ONE in the country for personal leader development – where she develops her team members and helps them to make more money in the company. Her team of Timeless Beauties rank #3 in the Nation in Team Size Growth and Top 10 in the nation for team sales increase. The Timeless Beauties are also a part of the FASTEST GROWING TEAM IN THE NATION!

She helps other representatives with free tips and training in her Facebook Group Timeless Beauty Lessons.

Find out more about How to Become an Avon Representative.

The Hailey Hugs Initiative

Jennifer Francis is also the founder of the Hailey Hugs Initiative, which seeks to provide comfort to those who are grieving the loss of a loved one. She is the Author of A Hug Through the Air – a children’s book she wrote in memory of her 22 month old daughter Hailey Hallam.

Jennifer loves giving back to the world around her and encourages her team to do the same, while simultaneously showing them how to create a lifestyle that is more open to making memories with family and traveling.

Connect with Jennifer Francis

You can Find her on FacebookInstagram, and Pinterest or join the growing community of people and discuss how to create YOUR own Timeless Beauty Life. The Timeless Beauty Life Facebook community offers travel tips, organizational tips, recipes, family tips, beauty tips, health tips and so much more. Come discuss YOUR passions with us by Joining the Timeless Beauty Life Facebook Group.

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